52. Are you politically active? No. 53. What are your perceptions of the rest of the world? Montecristi feels the world is in collapse. Family Dreams 54. Are you satisfied with your lifestyle? Yes, we don't have much left over, but we don't need much. On this table, food never lacks. 55. Do you consider yourselves better off than your parents and grandparents? We don't know how to answer this question. Each generation has its own moment. Today we live in an unstable country. 56. What would your family like to own that you think would make your lives better? We would like to own a car. 57. Do you have any savings or security? Savings. 58. When and how are you planning for retirement? Euripides retired at age 63. Retirement age is 60; then the state will take care of us. 59. How would you make your children's lives better? Prepare them for life. 60. What kind of future do you see for your children? The future is theirs.